Shorten daily scrums and deliver projects faster

Run asynchronous meetings and automatically manage your team's Jira boards with our scrum software tools.

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Plug and play workflows and scrum management tools.

Add appropriate workflows to the CMS collection to see the here

Connect your existing scrums to Meeting+

Meeting+ connects and prompts developers to provide daily updates based on current and past Jira activity across all relevant projects.

Harvard business review logo
"Every minute spent in a wasteful meeting eats into time for solo work that’s equally essential for creativity and efficiency"

Stop the meeting madness

Harvard Business Review

Automatically fix issues in real time.

Stop wasting time cleaning the board during each meeting.  With Meeting+ your team is prompted to updated issues based on their responses.

Korn Ferry Logo
"67% of workers say spending too much time in meetings distracts them from doing their job"

Working or wasting time

Korn Ferry Research

Review the report and shorten your scrum

With all the responses collected and the board cleaned you are ready for your scrum meeting.

Just review the report with the team to share insights and keep everyone moving.

The Economist logo
"Look around your next meeting, estimate the salary of those in the room, and then add up how much that meeting is costing the company"

Get started with our scrum software tool.

Add to Slack

Add the Meeting+ app to your Slack workspace.

Connect to Jira

Connect to your agile projects in Jira

Explore workflows

Find exsiting workflows or create your own.

Get started with Meeting+

Try Meeting+ for free for 14-days to see how it can shorten your scrums by 50% or more.

Add to Slack +

No credit card required.